Just another Day

Hey guys and gals today was a pretty good day ,well for me at least was really relaxing,had an awesome lunch.... ate so much pizza but it was super worth it though ,math was pretty okay the usuals but towards the end was mondo tired and slept as Cik Umi was leaving the class and totally "Konged OFF in Malaysian Studies and woke up just in time for another free period ACCOUNTS which is always great, then after school we had this class portrait thing , never ever took so many pictures today ,but had to admit everyone looked great.Right now just enjoying some salsa ,cheese and tortilla chips mmmmmmm......and listening to the tunes of a Local band called "Bus Company"real good stuff they won battle of the band in Our homeland MALAYSIA, especially their song Gravity check it out http://www.myspace.com/buscompanyband, they are appealing coz they dunt have the usual Malaysian Band sound which i detest all like the lame guitar riffs and poorly constructed melodies and lyrics(as if i am like a SuperStar) but it needed to be said really do check em out theyre good , well peace and love people.... and remember keep your ears and nose clean.

The Bands Logo

Just a Candid shot of Todays Photo Session